HOF Negro Leaguers
UPDATED: 8/25/2024!
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**I'm working on a new HOF collection, and it will include grabbing HOF RCs and in some cases a range of years that I can use cards. For the Negro Leagues, in most cases, I'm looking for ANY card up through the 1978 Laughlin set.
**If you are a VSP member, this is a great way to get a lot of chips!! Thanks!
BELL, COOL PAPA: ANY card from 1910 to 1978
BROWN, RAY: ANY card from 1945 to 1972
BROWN, WILLARD: ANY card from 1948 to 1978
CHARLESTON, OSCAR: ANY card from 1923 to 1974
COOPER, ANDY: 1923-24 Tomas Gutierrez, 1923-24 Billiken, 1923-24 Nacionales RCs only
DANDRIDGE, RAY: ANY card from 1945 to 1978
DAY, LEON: 1949-50 Toleteros, 1950-51 Denia, 1978 Laughlin Long Ago Black Stars only
DIHIGO, MARTIN: ANY card from 1927 to 1978
FOSTER, RUBE: 1974 Laughlin Old Time Black Stars RC only
FOSTER, WILLIE: 1927-28 Mallorquina RC or 1974 Laughlin Old Time Black Stars only
FOWLER, BUD: 1994 Ted Williams Company only
GIBSON, JOSH: 1931 Harrison Studio Cabinet, 1950-51 Toleteros, or 1974 Laughlin Old Time Black Stars only
GRANT, FRANK: 1974 Laughlin Old Time Black Stars RC only
HILL, PETE: 1909 Cabanas, 1910 Punch, or 1974 Laughlin Old Time Black Stars only
JOHNSON, JUDY: 1974 Laughlin Old Time Black Stars RC only
LEONARD, BUCK: 1974 Laughlin Old Time Black Stars RC only
LLOYD, POP: ANY card from 1910 to 1978
MACKEY, BIZ: 1924-25 Aguilitas #871 or 1974 Laughlin Old Time Black Stars only
MANLEY, EFFA: 1996 Negro League Playing Cards RC only
MENDEZ, JOSE: ANY card from 1910 to 1978
O'NEIL, BUCK: ANY card from 1946 to 1978
POMPEZ, ALEX: 1922 New York Cubans RPPC only
POSEY, CUM: 1988 Pittsburgh Pirates Negro Leagues RC only
ROGAN, BULLET: 1974 Laughlin Old Time Black Stars RC only
SANTOP, LOUIS: 1974 Laughlin Old Time Black Stars RC only
SMITH, HILTON: 1948-49 Toleteros, 1949-50 Toleteros, or 1978 laughlin Long Ago Black Stars only
STEARNES, TURKEY: 1978 Laughlin Long Ago Black Stars RC only
SUTTLES, MULE: 1974 Laughlin Old Time Black Stars RC only
TAYLOR, BEN: 1978 Laughlin Long Ago Black Stars RC only
TORRIENTE, CRISTOBAL: ANY from 1923 to 1974
WELLS, WILLIE: 1974 Laughlin Old Time Black Stars RC only
WHITE, SOL: 1978 Laughlin Long Ago Black Stars RC only
WILKINSON, JL: 1910 Hopkins Brothers PC only
WILLIAMS, JOE: 1974 Laughlin Old Time Black Stars RC only
WILSON, JUD: 1931 RPPC or 1974 Laughlin Old Time Black Stars only